Kansas City in 2006
Bid to host the 64th World Science Fiction Convention
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50% off the initial conversion fee if you vote and we win
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50% off the initial conversion fee if you vote and we win
Automatic conversion to Attending Membership if you vote and we win
Count Basie
Automatic conversion to Attending Membership if you vote and we win, special ribbon, Special Listing in the program book and other perks to be determined later

Kansas City 2006, PO BOX 1825, LEES SUMMIT MO 64063-7825.

The site selection will be voted by the members of Torcon III (the 61st World Science Fiction Convention) in Toronto during August 27 to September 1, 2003. To vote, you must have at least a supporting membership in Torcon and pay a voting fee ($40 US / $60 CN.). Voting gives you a supporting membership in whichever bid is successful.


Service Mark Notice : "World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science
Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC" and "Hugo Award" are registered
service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary