The Archon Grand Masquerade
Daren Bost, Kevin Dulle (MC)
Judge's Choice for Audience Favorite
Two of Eight, Adjunct of Unimatrix 81
Jessica Wright, Josef Kanah
Fraggle Rock
Victoria Colville, Audrey Preston
Workmanship Journeyman Best In Class
Judge's Choice for Best Recreation
Ashlee Sirois
Dave Kanoy, Steve Swope, Susan Bien, Kelli Lynch, Ramona Taylor
Presentation Master Best In Class
Workmanship Master Best In Class
Wicked Ones
Rachel Wildermuth. Meaghen O'Connor
Judge's Choice Most Wicked
Robert Davis
The Firebird
Vicky Assarattanakul
The Night Hunters
Performance Novice Best In Show
Best Paint
Fantasy Ochoka Uraraka
Alexia Creason.
Performance Junor Best in Class
Workmanship Junior Best in Class