A convention within a convention
Toastmaster: Earline Beebe
Writer Guest: Caroline Spector
Artist Guest: Jan S. Gephardt
Fan Guest: Margene S. Bahm
Music Guests: Bland Lemon Denton (Bradley Denton),
The Honey Badger (Caroline Spector) & The Monkey
Queen (Sherri Dean)
Bland Lemon Denton (Bradley Denton), The Honey Badger (Caroline
Spector), The Monkey Queen (Sherri Dean)
Back row: Ian, Misty, Dorthy (Mystie Hollaman), Allison Stein
Front row: Pat Collins, Tanya Holthouse, Jeff Orth
Aurora Celeste (ConQuesT 49 Fan Guest of Honor), Diana Bailey
Bland Lemon Denton
Bland Lemon Denton, The Honey Badger
Bland Lemon Denton, The Honey Badger, The Monkey Queen
Room Con 1 Room
Con 2