{Notes: these papers are being
collected under the editorship of Dr. Thermal N. Thurman,
Chair of the Department of Interplanetary
Fictive Studies of the University of Nepal at
Kathmandu. Dr. Thurman
is assisted in this vital work by Dr. Steven Lopata (PhD.
Exochronology), Fellow of the
Cosmic Chemists Society and an Honors Graduate of
Miskatonic University. Contributing
to these discussions is Dr. Josef Fann, Proctor of
Perigee Periphrasis at the University
of Outer Mongolia, Ulan Bator. These papers will
be available in an English language edition
as well as Urgu and Sanskriti editions.}
Dr. Thurman~~
The original text that sparked these
investigations contained the following statements: "... it meant
to me that
we would be rocketing to the far planets by 2000, we might even be fighting
interplanetary wars with Bug Eyed
Monsters --- Monsters that had a fondness for scantily clad
females of Earth, females who in
turn had a fondness for wearing brass bras while on earth or in
interplanetary flight." (and)
"Scientific research has since established that Bug Eyed Monsters
are indifferent to bras made of cloth."
Dr. Lopata~~
As far as BEMs chasing after well endowed,
nubile, Earth females in brass brassiers, the Journal
for Irreproducible Results
has published, or will publish sometime an article that shows
female chasing aliens are actually hungry.
But here's the switch, they're not interested in the
females. Protein incompatibility
and allergies make Earth females of massive indifference to Bug
Eyed Monsters. What they actually
want is the brass metal in those bras. You see, most BEM
shave green blood and the copper in brass
(a copper/zinc alloy) is vital for their continuing BEMish
good health. Additionally, they've
discovered that some of the salts perspired by fleeing females
make good seasoning for the main meal.
Dr. Fann~~After thorough examinations
in the field and rigorous testing in the laboratories the following
conclusions have been concluded.
(1) Bug Eyed Monsters have an aversion to bras made ofcloth in
asmuch as they are indigestible in the
alien stomachs, that is to say the two stomachs
found in juvenile aliens and the three
stomachs found in adult aliens cannot digest cloth bras
without suffering acute discomfort.
(2) A different degree of discomfort was noted when the
bras were made of cotton materials as
opposed to polyester materials. (3) A geographical region
known as Alabama grows and harvests unadultered
cotton suitable for bra manufacture whereas a
geographical region known as Egypt grows
and harvests an impure crop which, upon analysis,
was shown to be a mixture of cotton and
polyester materials. It was determined that this mixture
came about by the Egyptian custom of rotating
crops, that is to say, the Egyptian farmers planted
cotton one year and then planted polyester
the following year in the same field. The contaminated
soil then produced the impure crops that
were discovered by our examiners. (4) Consuming brass
bras lined with cotton materials caused
alien stomach cramps whereas consuming brass bras lined
with polyester or a cotton-polyester mixture
caused massive alien bellyaches. The aliens were
rendered helpless in said condition.
Dr. Thurman~~These findings are
of military significance and accordingly have been forwarded to the Pentagon,
Washington, DC and called
to the attention of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
FNNews~~The Bolivian government
yesterday reported a sudden surge in orders for raw brass ore that has
caused the price of the metal to increase
two thousand percent. The major brass mines in the
interior of the country are now working
two twelve-hour shifts to meet the demand but the miners
are said to be suffering as a result.
Brass miners in Bolivia receive no rum breaks. The Minister
of Mines and Oil Wells, speaking
on condition of anonymity, told FNNews that the unexpected
demand for raw brass came from an anonymous
source in Washington, DC
Confucius Pong say: When raygun hiss, tarry not to inspect error in grammar
Reprint Dept: "Lez-ettes"
were an invention of the l940s, probably because this not-so-humble editor
had more time on his hands than common
sense in his head. A Lez-ette was a tightly condensed story
told in three chapters as follows:
...would our literary readers care to contribute to this decadent art form?Chapter 1: Vampire
Chapter 2: Mirror
Chapter 3: Long time no see
Magic Moments in History Dept:
The personal letter from pioneer editor John W. Campbell,
circa 1939. He sent a fan letter
to Le Zombie. I maya have published it in Lez Letters. He did