Conestoga 10
Radison Hotel Tulsa, Oklahoma
July 28-29, 2006
MidAmerican Fan Photo Archive

Photos by Tim Frayser

?, Amber Jameson

The Play

Frank Wu adds commentary during the world premiere of his independent film "The Tragical
Historie of Guidolon the Giant Space Chicken" at the Conestoga International Film Festival

Julia Mandala
Julia Mandala

Tim Miller at Fencon room party

 ?, Ray Roberts

Talia Gryphon & friends from Royal Gauntlet

Opening Ceremony    Opening Ceremony 2     Friday     Friday night     Friday night 2
Saturday     Saturday 2     Saturday 3     Saturday 4     Saturday 5
Before Masquerade      Masquerade     Masquerade 2    The Play     Saturday Night
Saturday Night 2    Sunday     Tim Frayser Photos     Frayser Photos 2    Frayser Photos 3

MidAmerican Fan Photo Archive

Sponsored by MidAmerican Conventions
last updated 8/03/06 - photos copyright  2006 by Tim Frayser.