2008 Hugo Awards 2
Stanley Schmidt - Editor of Analog
Mary Robinette Kowal receives the Campbell Award for Best New Science
Fiction Writer
Jay Lake presents Mary Robinette Kowal with "The Campbell Tiara”
Mary Kay Kare - Hugo Administrator
Lee Kuruganti - Denvention 3 Hugo Award Base designer
66th WorldCon Photo Home Facilities
& Exhibits 1 Facilities
& Exhibits 2
Thursday 1 Thursday
2 Thursday 3
Thursday parties 1
Thursday parties 2
SFWA suite 1 SFWA
suite 2 Friday
Masquerade 1 Masquerade
2 Masquerade 3
Masquerade 4
Saturday 1 Saturday
2 Saturday 3
SFWA Business Meeting
Pre Hugo Reception 1
Pre Hugo Reception 2 Pre
Hugo Reception 3
Hugo Awards 1 Hugo
Awards 2 Hugo Awards 3
Hugo Awards 4
Hugo Awards 5 After
the Awards Sunday 1
Sunday 2 Sunday
More photos to come