The Millennium Philcon
The 59th World Science Fiction Convention
August 30- September 3, 2001
MidAmerican Fan Photo Archive

Retro Hugo Awards part 2

Esther Friesner, John Hertz
Esther Friesner, John Hertz accepting for Best Artist
winner Frank Kelly Freas

Alan Roberts
Alan Roberts accepting for Best Short Story
winner Damon Knight

Jill Eastlake, Marc Gordon
Jill Eastlake, Marc Gordon

David M. Silver
David M. Silver (accepting for Robert A. Heinlein)

Marc Gordon, Jill Eastlake, Mrs. Eleanor Wood (accepting for Destination Moon),
Bill Patterson (accepting for Robert A Heinlein), Alan Roberts (accepting for Damon
Knight), John Hertz (accepting for Frank Kelly Freas), David M. Silver (accepting for
Robert A. Heinlein), Robert Silverberg, Rick Katze, Joan Marie Knappenberger &
Keith Stokes (accepting for Wilson "Bob" Tucker), ?

Keith W. Stokes
Keith W. Stokes

Millennium Philcon photo page
Wednesday - In the bar
Thursday - Registration & Opening Ceremony
Friday Day 1
Friday Day 2
Retro Hugos 1
Retro Hugos 2
Chesley Award 1
Chesley Award 2
Masquerade Photos
Adam Reuter Photos

MidAmerican Fan Photo Archive

last updated 5/09/05 - copyright  2001-2005 by Keith Stokes. Photos 5 & 6 by Carol Doms.